AIC Annual Newsletter 2002


Paul Green-Armytage


AIC, Colour, Color, Review


First I would like to thank all those who sent
contributions to this Newsletter. My knowledge of
the AIC has been limited in the main to what I
have learnt at our congresses and other meetings.
It was inspiring, and something of a revelation, to
read about the extensive activities within the
member organisations.
I would also like to thank Marnee Rinaldi,
honours graduate in graphic design from Curtin
University of Technology, who helped me with
fine tuning of the design and preparation of the
files for the printer.
Since the contributions were sent to me in
electronic form it has been possible to establish a
standard format for the Newsletter. I have not
presumed to edit the text of any of the
contributions beyond some very minor changes.
In a few instances I have also made some minor
adjustments to the order, and I have added some
headings. In some cases the internet did strange
things to the accents on certain letters.
Comparison with hard copies enabled me to
correct some of these but there are also some
auxiliary symbols which I am not able to find in
the program I use. I hope readers will accept my
apologies for any errors that remain.




31 March 2002