AIC Annual Newsletter 2008
AIC, Colour, Color, ReviewSynopsis
During AIC2006, I made a motion to have the Newsletter cover a calendar year period. The motion was carried and this Newsletter covers the end of 2006 and all of 2007. In
the last Newsletter, No. 20, I made a request for more images from the Member Countries and our Study Groups. I showed some interesting illusions in that newsletter kindly provided by Osvaldo da Pos. To keep the ball rolling, I am enclosing some pictures taken at AIC2006 in Johannesburg and AIC2007 in Hangzhou by either Jose Luis Caivano or myself.

2 July 2008
Copyright (c) 2009 AIC ANNUAL REVIEW
How to Cite
(Ed.). (2008). AIC Annual Newsletter 2008 (Vols. 21). AIC ANNUAL REVIEW.